According to CNN, “For every 500 smoking scenes a child saw in PG-13 movies, his or her likelihood of trying cigarettes increased by 49%.” In other words, after consistent exposure of smoking in movies, children are more likely to try cigarettes and become future smokers. More smokers will eventually lead to more deaths per year. Smoking-related diseases claim over 393,000 American lives each year (
Whether or not the producers accept a limit, I strongly believe we should require them to rate their films as rated-R if they contain smoking scenes. Films can be rated-R for having consistent profanity, which, in reality, does no physical harm to anyone. Smoking harms the smoker and everyone around the smoker, so why do we allow it to be displayed (often positively) in films that minors have easy access to?
Smoking does kill and it continues to kill because we allow it to. It’s time to make a change and save lives one step at a time.
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