Monday, January 12, 2015

Editorial: Taking Our Breath Away! by Lena

Results of secondhand smoking leaves many Americans shocked.Secondhand smoking is exactly what it sounds like, when someone inhales the smoke and toxins from another smoking nearby.   For some Americans its almost a tradition or habit to light a few or two. What many don’t know is that secondhand smoke can be just as destructive as smoking a cigarette. The consequences include development of diseases, such as lung cancer.. If you continue to inhale smoke or decide to smoke yourself you could also suffer permanent consequences such as death. If you are pregnant your baby can also develop diseases and defects such as lung complications.
      The numbers are so shocking because, the toxins starts damaging the body so soon. As early as before birth to their first 12 months, allowing the effects to be more severe. 7,500 to 15,000 children under 18 months of age have been hospitalized each year and the numbers are continuing to increase. Secondhand smoking does not just affects children. There are over 50,000 deaths each year due to secondhand smoking.
     There are 158,683 men and women died from lung cancer in the U.S .Smoking is responsible for 85% of lung cancers. Statistically, lung cancer caused by smoking is nearly up 135,000 U.S. deaths per year. 3,400 non smokers were hospitalized and killed by lung cancer. Just inhaling may not worsen as quickly, but it is just as dangerous. Stress can lead to depression and many Americans smoke to reduce stress and it helps them that way, but if they are around others, such as their family and friends, they are harming them. You could protect yourself by avoiding areas you know has smokers. You could also set rules around the house about smoking to protect your family. Lastly,  you could politely ask the person smoking if they could please put out their cigarette. If you truly want to make a difference for you, your community, and future generation, you could join groups and help ban smoking in areas that are populated.

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