Did you know second hand smoke exposure causes disease and premature death in children and adults. Crazy right?... Let’s establish what second hand smoke is: according to the American Cancer Society”, second hand smoke (SHS) is also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). SHS is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that come from burning tobacco:
- Sidestream smoke – smoke from the lighted end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar
- Mainstream smoke – the smoke exhaled by a smoker”
People who don’t take the risk themselves are still at risk because of other people! There are a lot of people who take extreme measures to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke. There are many stories such as that of Patrick, a 14 year old boy whose mother smokes in the car and home around her son when she knows he suffers from asthma. When he's with his Mom, he has asthma, bronchitis and frequent infections. Patrick’s father had a "smoke free home" clause put in the custody order for their son in the divorce court order, but she persists in smoking around him anyway. As a final step before taking this situation back to court on this issue, Patrick’s father began to send his son to her home with a gas mask that he intends to wear when he is around her. Patrick supports her quitting.
My suggestion would be to make all outdoor non-recreational public areas smoke free!
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