Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Say No to Smoking!

Say no to Smoking!Description: No smoking

A little over 16 million Americans suffer from diseases caused by smoking tobacco. Earlier this year in November we the Asian Coalition for Tobacco use Prevention visited 120 stores in which we searched for tobacco products being sold. 76 surveys were completed; the stores we visited were based on gas stations, local markets, convenience stores, supermarkets, drug stores, and others. In pursuit of searching for tobacco products being sold. Are main focus was to count three main products cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and little cigars/cigarillos.

 Based on the information we collected 38% of stores sold e-cigarettes within reach of candy. 20 of the stores advertised a price promotion on a tobacco product, most commonly for the little cigarettes or Cigarillos. The cheapest price for a single pack of cigarettes was 3-4 dollars. Cheaper than being a burger meal from McDonalds. Pall Mall was the most frequent lowest price of cigarettes followed by Marlboro. The most common promotion for Cigarillos was swisher sweets priced at 99 cents.

Over all, the data collected provided us with enough information to state that tobacco is still a huge issue in which we are determined to stop. Please help us with our mission to stop tobacco sold cheap and around youth. Together we can make a change in the way the world sees tobacco.

By: Priscilla Viveros

Follow us on instagram and twitter to see more of our information on Tobacco Prevention. And follow us on our journey to making the world a better place without smoking.
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